
5th August 2021

Agapanthus - August 2021

I finally found a little time to get outside into the garden with my camera this week, although quite a few of the flowers I'd been hoping to photograph had already finished flowering.

Last time I'd photographed this Agapanthus at the beginning of July, it was just on the cusp of opening. Now most of the petals had either fallen, or were about to fall.

Zantedeschia - August 2021

I was up against a different problem with the Calla Lily (Zantedeschia), as it appeared that the petals were being eaten by some unknown petal predator!

Dianthus - August 2021

I still had plenty of the Dianthus (Dianthus caryophyllus) 'Rocking Red' blooms left though, and they were looking fantastic. I particularly liked the look of the little light blue twiddly bits at the centre of each flower.

Achillea - August 2021

The Achillea (Achillea millefolium) 'Cerise Queen' plants had finally decided to flower, and although they were a different colour to what I'd expected them to be, they still made a nice contrast to the other Achillea varieties I had.

Coreopsis - August 2021

The Coreopsis (Coreopsis grandiflora) 'Golden Joy' plants had to be one of the most free flowering plants in the garden, and had produced many more blooms than I was expecting.

Buddleia - August 2021

The large Butterfly Bush (Buddleia) that I cut down and try to kill every year with weedkiller had once again returned! I didn't mind the flowers, and the insects swarmed all over it in the summer, so it wasn't all bad, but I'd have preferred it to have been located elsewhere in my garden.

Dandelion - August 2021

Dandelions (Taraxacum) were a major part of the garden at the moment, and the insect population probably loved them more than they did my cultivated flowers...

Hoverfly - August 2021 fact one little Hoverfly (Syrphidae) zoomed into this one as I was shooting it and collected some pollen.

So this week I went with Agapanthus as my Image of the Week simply because they are one of my favourite flowers at this time of year, and I didn't know if I'd have any left to shoot after this week...